Welcome to the homepage of the virtual worlds research discussion group. This is a series of meetings held in Second Life for discussing current and planned research projects, methods and methodology. The purpose of this wiki is to advertise upcoming talks and serve as a repository for transcripts, handouts, photos and videos. Anyone can read the wiki but to edit it you need will need to register . The meetings and wiki are organized by Greg Wadley at the University of Melbourne Uni, Deb McCormick at Monash University, and Sabine Lawless-Reljic at San DiegoState University.
Meeting Schedule & Transcripts
Each meeting has a host, who presents their research and moderates discussion afterwards. Meetings last one hour. We usually schedule for each Monday at 2pm SLT (US Pacific time), however the day and time can be chosen by the presenter. By moving these around we hope to cover all timezones.
Why an in-world discussion group?
The advantages of assembling researchers in a seminar, vs individually reading and writing offline, is real-time q'n'a, during which difficult points can be efficiently thrashed out. We also get to know each other better and build a global research community. The downside of physical-world meetings is scheduling and travel cost.
Virtual worlds offer the pros of synchronicity while minimizing the cons. Our meetings are informal and researchers can comfortably discuss work-in-progress without arduous preparation. People can even attend anonymously.
Post Meeting Discussions
Attendees can write about matters arising here.
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