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Presence Resources

Page history last edited by Debbie McCormick 15 years, 9 months ago

Here are some reseources that follow on from Sabine/Willow's discussion today.



The Stanford 'Presence Project'


Being There

- Concepts, effects and measurements of user presence in synthetic environments


Swapping Your Body Becomes a Virtual Reality

- New Scientist article



G. Riva, M.T. Anguera, B.K. Wiederhold and F. Mantovani (Eds.)  

From Communication to Presence: Cognition, Emotions and Culture towards the  

Ultimate Communicative Experience. Festschrift in honor of Luigi Anolli 

IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2006, (c) All rights reserved – http://www.emergingcommunication.com



Journal Articles

Inkso, B. E. (2003) Measuring Presence: Subjective Behavioural and Physiological Methods. IN Riva, G., Davide, F. & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (Eds.) Being There: Concepts, effects and measurement of user presence in synthetic environments. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, IOS Press.


Lewis, M. L., Weber, R. & Bowman, N. D. (2008) “They May Be Pixels, But They’re MY Pixels:” Developing a Metric of Character Attachment in Role-Playing Video Games. CyberPsychology & Behavior.


Lombard, M. & Ditton, T. (1997) At the Heart of it All: The Concept of Presence. Journal of Computer Mediated Communications.


Riva, G., Waterworth, J. A. & Waterworth, E. L. (2004) The Layers of Presence: A Bio-cultural Approach to Understanding Presence in Natural and Mediated Environments. CyberPsychology & Behavior. Mary Ann Liebert.


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